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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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Saudi Normalization with Israel Has Begun2023-May-01
Iranian Military Developments and Trends 2023-April-24
The Abraham Accords: "Palestinian Leaders Don't Realize that the Region Is Changing"2023-April-10
Back to Basics in the U.S.-Israel Relationship2023-April-10
The Saudis Want to Diversify Their Relationships, Not Switch Teams2023-March-16
The Saudis Are Looking Not to Shift Camps but to Diversify Sources of Security 2023-March-13
Iran Needs to Believe America's Threat 2023-March-06
Iran's Nuclear Endgame Warrants a Change in U.S. Strategy2023-March-02
Address Internal Reform in the Palestinian Authority2023-March-02
CNN Falsifies Palestinian Poll Results on Two-State Solution 2023-February-27
Israel Planning to Export Gas via LNG Ship2023-February-23
Why Arabs Should Learn about the Holocaust2023-February-23
International Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon a Costly Failure2023-February-06
U.S.-Israel Military Exercises Will Not Deter Iran without Changes in Washington's Policy 2023-February-02
"Whispered in Gaza," Local Residents Challenge Hamas2023-January-26
U.S. Steps Up Raids Against Islamic State Militants in Syria2022-December-26
Abraham Accords, Contact with Israelis, Remain Unpopular in Egypt 2022-December-22
New Saudi Poll Finds Declining Trust in U.S.2022-December-19
Rise in Iranian Assassination, Kidnapping Plots Alarms Western Officials 2022-December-01
U.S. Enters a New Era of Direct Confrontation with Iran2022-November-28
Changing Population Patterns Will Reshape the Middle East 2022-November-24
A Revolution Is Taking Place in Iran - Iranian American human rights activist Masih Alinejad 2022-November-24
Iran's Oil Exports Are Vulnerable to Sanctions 2022-November-10
How the Israel-Lebanon Maritime Deal Impacts Hizbullah's Resistance Narrative2022-October-27
Lebanon's Bait-and-Switch Treaty2022-October-13
The Demonstrations Could Mark a Turning Point in Iran 2022-October-13
Israel's Karish Gas Field 2022-October-06
Letting Iran Go Nuclear2022-September-29
Iran Exports Its Revolution to Syria2022-September-15
A New Iran Deal Won't Prevent an Iranian Bomb 2022-September-12
Saudi Poll: Majority Still Rejects Ties with Israel 2022-September-01
Contending with Iranian Plots Against the West2022-August-18
UN Forces in Lebanon Losing Ground2022-August-07
Sunni Arab Leaders Are No Longer Willing to Wait for the Palestinians 2022-August-04
Poll: Gazans Maintain Hardline Views2022-July-21
Poll: Half of Jerusalem Arabs Say They Would Prefer to Become Israeli Citizens2022-July-11
The U.S. Needs a Better Strategy to Deter Iran2022-July-07
Israel Hoping for Shift in U.S. Policy on Iran 2022-July-04
The Backstory behind the Killing of Qods Force Col. Khodaei 2022-June-23
The Abraham Accords and the Changing Shape of the Middle East2022-June-23
Behind the Uptick in Terror Attacks in Israel 2022-May-16
Countering Iran's Regional Strategy 2022-May-12
A New Approach to Quelling the Violence2022-April-28
Poll: Jordanians Prefer Ties with U.S., Wary of Iran2022-April-28
Warm Peace and the Challenge of People-to-People Relations after the Abraham Accords 2022-April-21
A New Regional Role for Israel, as Washington Steps Back2022-March-31
The U.S. Is Poised to Make a Nuclear Deal with Iran that Expires in Twenty Months 2022-March-10
Trends in Iranian External Assassination, Surveillance, and Abduction Plots 2022-February-28
Israel's New Strategy in a Post-American Middle East2022-February-24
U.S.-Israel Relations in the Age of Great Power Competition2022-February-10

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