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Institute for National Security Studies

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Expert: Time Remains to Explore Non-Military Options against Iran Nukes2012-February-24
Israel Plans Red-Med Rail Link to Take Suez Overflow2012-January-31
Middle East Miscalculation 2012-January-23
A Toughened U.S. Stance toward Iran 2012-January-11
Stormy Weather Ahead for Hizbullah 2011-December-22
Too Early to Call It a Day on Iran 2011-December-16
Israel Is Not Alone Against Iran2011-November-30
Jordan Is Boiling 2011-November-28
Only Threat of Military Action Will Stop Iran2011-November-23
The Fall of the House of Assad2011-November-21
Israel: It's Possible to Stop Iran's Nuclear Project2011-November-18
Israelis Doubt World Will Stop Iran's Nuclear Quest2011-November-16
The November 2011 IAEA Report2011-November-15
Coping with Iran's Nuclear Capabilities2011-November-07
Iran's Regional Status: Expanding Influence alongside Weaknesses 2011-October-28
What Awaits Muna in Gaza?2011-October-18
The Palestinian Statehood Bid and U.S. Aid to the Palestinian Authority 2011-October-11
Israel's Success at the IAEA 2011 General Conference2011-October-07
The Palestinian Bid for Statehood 2011-October-03
The Chinese Chief of Staff Visits Israel2011-August-18
The Syrian Regime: Protests at Home and Criticism from Abroad 2011-August-10
A Strategy for Israel in the Changed Middle East2011-August-03
Egypt-Sinai-Gaza: The Triangular Threat to Israel2011-July-29
Hamas' Internal Challenge: The Political and Ideological Impact of Violent Salafist Groups in Gaza 2011-July-22
The Peace Process: From Oslo Parameters to Unilateral Actions 2011-July-13
Hizbullah: A Contract Killer2011-July-04
The U.S. and the Policy of Targeted Killing2011-June-24
Land Now, Peace Maybe Later2011-May-23
The Assassination of Bin Laden 2011-May-06
The Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation Agreement 2011-May-03
The Arab Spring and the Palestine Distraction 2011-April-29
Quiet in the Palestinian Arena: The Eye of the Storm2011-April-22
UN General Assembly "Uniting for Palestine" 2011-April-11
The Syria of Bashar al-Assad: At a Crossroads2011-April-06
Israel Eyes Developments in Syria2011-March-21
Cairo Viewed from Gaza: Too Soon to Celebrate 2011-March-02
The Long Road to Democracy2011-February-25
Is Jordan Next?2011-February-07
The Uprising in Egypt: An Initial Assessment2011-February-01
Israel Shaken as Turbulence Rocks an Ally2011-January-31
"We're Living on a Volcano," Israeli Security Experts Warn 2011-January-28
Israelis Warily Eyeing Egypt2011-January-27
Israel Eyes a Hizbullah-Run Lebanon 2011-January-25
The Toppling of the Tunisian Regime: Ramifications for the Arab World 2011-January-21
Israel's Diplomatic Achievements2011-January-04
Russia Takes a New Look at the Peace Process 2010-December-24
The Question of an Israeli Apology to Turkey for the Flotilla Episode 2010-December-15
Peace Process to Nowhere 2010-November-23
Why America Chases an Israeli-Palestinian Peace 2010-November-22
Drones Sold to Russia Could One Day Serve Hizbullah2010-November-19

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